Dino Crisis Wiki

Dino Crisis 1 (恐龍危機1) is the first in a six-part adaptation of Dino Crisis. It sold for HK$13 in Hong Kong, and S$2 in Singapore.


Human life has become increasingly convenient thanks to technological advances related to energy sources. Steam; coal; oil and nuclear power have become a great benefit for humankind, but this has now lead to deadly pollution levels. Over several years, the scientific community worked on ways of developing a new, powerful, pollution-free energy source.[excerpt 1]

Dr. Kirk (卡古), a fringe-scientist working for the US government, was reported to have died in an accident during an experiment. Three years later, he is discovered to have somehow survived, and is engaging in research for a hostile nation. A US intelligence agent infiltrating the Ibis Island (艾比斯島) facility confirms that Dr. Kirk is leading the research team. To safeguard US interests, a four-member special forces team is organized to capture him.[excerpt 2]

As a helicopter flies over the island, a four-member special forces team parachutes down.[excerpt 3] Three land together in a jungle clearing; removing their balaclavas, they consist of two men and a woman. They run off to the facility, unable to wait for the fourth member any longer. The fourth member runs through the thick jungle, being followed by something. That something is a Tyrannosaurus, which rips him to part in its mouth.

Gail, Rick and Regina reach the compound. Regina and Rick enter a security room, finding it to have been wrecked by an unidentified individual. Gail calls Regina on the radio to head back; she finds him investigating the corpses of three guards who have been torn up by some creature. Finding a hatch to the power room, Gail covers Regina as she goes down, and is attacked by the unseen force. Regina returns with the power restored to find him gone. Examining a tear in the fence, a Velociraptor charges at her. Regina evades it and slams the fence door on it.

Regina runs back to Rick in the security room. Something follows her in, revealing to be Gail. Rick examines the security feed, seeing the vague shape of Dr. Kirk on the screen. The three move deeper into the facility; along the way they find the corpse of a researcher whom they first thought was unconscious, Rick goes to the researchers aid to find out he was being consumed by a group of Compsognathus whom they made a nest in. Rick kicks them off the body, and is confronted by a Velociraptor. Another two charge at him from the other end of the corridor and eventually a whole pack pursuit the agents. They manage to escape with the help of Dilophosaurus who also was about to attack them, but ironically became the Velociraptor's next meal. The creatures provide an excellent diversion for Kirk, who manages to slip by. The three notice Kirk and run up to him, abandoning the dinosaurs. He tells them to abandon their mission, and activates a Timegate to show his new power, melting away from sight before them.[excerpt 4][excerpt 5] The three Velociraptors catch up with their prey.


  • Tom (湯) - first appearance
  • Dr. Kirk (卡古) - first appearance
  • Regina (列天娜) - first appearance
  • Captain Gail (基奧) - first appearance
  • Rick (力克) - first appearance
  • Cooper (古班) - first appearance


  • Producer: Tony Wong (黄玉郎)
  • Editor: Tong Yanming (童彥明)
  • Supervisor: Du Bi (杜比)



  1. Excerpt from page 2:
    Chinese: 人類的生活越趨繁榮進歩,安逸舒適,一切的科技發展,日常方便,全賴「能源」的幫助。火力發動的蒸汽機, 煤炭, 石油, 以至核能, 都爲人類帶來極大的好處……但同時亦帶來各種破壞環境的致命汚染, 今人類步向滅亡之路……多年來,科學界一直在研究一種嶄新的能源,它能在無污染的情況下,提供强大的能量……; Pinyin: Rénlèi de shēnghuó yuè qū fánróng jìnbù, ānyì shūshì, yīqiè de kējì fāzhǎn, rìcháng fāngbiàn, quán lài `néngyuán'de bāngzhù. Huǒlì fādòng de zhēngqìjī, méitàn, shíyóu, yǐzhì hénéng, dōu wèi rénlèi dài lái jídà de hǎochù……Dàn tóngshí yì dài lái gèzhǒng pòhuài huánjìng de zhìmìng wūrǎn, jīn rénlèi bù xiàng mièwáng zhī lù……Duōnián lái, kēxué jiè yīzhí zài yánjiū yīzhǒng zhǎnxīn de néngyuán, tā néng zài wú wūrǎn de qíngkuàng xià, tígōng qiángdà de néngliàng……
  2. Excerpt from page 3:
    三年前,一名隷屬美國政府的非主流科學家——卡古,左實驗意外中死亡……據説他生前正致力研究一種「完全無汚染的能源」……然而,三年後的今日,卡古竟然被發現尚存於世……並正爲敵對國家從事研究工作……美國情報特工——湯潛入「艾比斯島」,證實研究主管確是卡古博士…爲了維護國家利益、防範敵陰謀,一個四人小組奏命捉卡古回國。|Sān nián qián, yī míng lì shǔ měiguó zhèngfǔ de fēi zhǔliú kēxuéjiā——kǎgǔ, zuǒ shíyàn yìwài zhōng sǐwáng……jù shuō tā shēngqián zhèng zhìlì yánjiū yīzhǒng 'wánquán wú wūrǎn de néngyuán'…… Rán'ér, sān nián hòu de jīnrì, kǎgǔ jìngrán pī fà xiàn shàng cún yú shì……Bìng zhèng wèi díduì guójiā cóngshì yán jiù gōngzuò……Měiguó qíngbào tègōng——tāng qiánrù `ài bǐ sī dǎo', zhèngshí yánjiū zhǔguǎn què shì kǎgǔ bóshì…Wèile wéihù guójiā lìyì, fángfàn dí yīnmóu, yīgè sì rén xiǎozǔ zòu mìng zhuō kǎgǔ huíguó.
  3. Except fro page 6: "降落傘隨風飄盪, 一行四人各自在這神秘的島嶼着陸。".
  4. Excerpt from page 32:
    Kirk: "是你們捨棄我在先……現在我的「第三能源」己大功告成……就讓你們瞧瞧它的威力……"
  5. Excerpt from page 32: